Posted on 2023-04-21

The RapidCents iOS SDK collects data to help us improve our products and prevent fraud. This data is never used for advertising purposes and is never rented, sold, or given to advertisers. Our full privacy policy is available at We use analytics data, such as the end user's device model and OS version, to improve our products. A...

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What is RapidCents iOS SDK?

1 Out of 1 Found Helpful
Posted on 2023-04-21

The RapidCents iOS SDK enables you to effortlessly integrate payments into your iOS app. Our comprehensive suite of customizable UI screens and elements allow you to quickly and easily collect your users' payment information. Additionally, you can leverage our low-level APIs to create a fully customized payment experience.

What is RapidCents Android SDK?

0 Out of 1 Found Helpful
Posted on 2023-04-21

The RapidCents Android SDK enables you to swiftly build a secure payment flow into your Android app. Our customisable UI components provide a straightforward solution for collecting your customers' payment details, while our low-level APIs allow for a fully customised experience. With RapidCents, you can create a payment process that meets the...

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What is Legal Entity Sharing?

1 Out of 1 Found Helpful
Posted on 2023-04-21

Legal Entity Sharing enables RapidCents merchants to leverage existing Legal Entities when onboarding new accounts. For instance, a merchant may have already set up a RapidCents account with Platform A for their legal entity, but then decide to onboard with Platform B. This will create a second RapidCents account associated with the same legal...

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What are plugins?

0 Out of 1 Found Helpful
Posted on 2023-04-21

RapidCents offers seamless integration with third-party technology platforms through the use of plugins. While RapidCents has no visibility on third-party plugins, we are  unfortunately unable to provide support on any related issues.

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