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How do I get started with RapidCents?

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Posted on 2023-05-25

To get started with RapidCents, sign up for an account. Provide the required information and complete the registration process. Once registered, you can access the RapidCents platform and begin exploring its features.Once your account gets verified, you can start accepting payments via RapidCents.

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Posted on 2023-04-20

Verifying your business with RapidCents is a straightforward process. To complete the review, we'll need to confirm your identity information, bank account ownership, the physical address of your business, and the website ownership. To do this, we'll check that the details you provided when setting up your account match the account owner of th...

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Posted on 2023-04-20

If you need to migrate customer card data from another payment provider to RapidCents, our support team is here to help. We will guide you through the process of securely transferring your sensitive customer information, ensuring PCI compliance every step of the way.

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