What are the RapidCents iOS SDK Privacy Details?

Posted on 2023-04-21 Updated on 2023-05-25

The RapidCents iOS SDK collects data to help us improve our products and prevent fraud. This data is never used for advertising purposes and is never rented, sold, or given to advertisers. Our full privacy policy is available at rapidcents.com

We use analytics data, such as the end user's device model and OS version, to improve our products. Additionally, we collect additional information on device characteristics and user interactions with the RapidCents iOS SDK to prevent fraud. For more information, visit our page on Advanced Fraud Detection. During 3D Secure 2 transactions, some end user data may also be sent to the card issuer as defined by the EMV 3-D Secure Specification. Please consult your legal counsel for advice on filling out the Apple app privacy form and customizing your responses to match your business.

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