What are the fees associated with refunds?

Posted on 2023-04-21 Updated on 2023-05-25

Depending on your pricing plan, you may incur fees for refunds. Unfortunately, RapidCents processing fees from the original transaction cannot be refunded. Payment processing costs are largely driven by fees imposed by banks and payment networks (such as Visa and Mastercard). These networks set rules about which fees apply for refunded payments, and in many cases banks and card networks retain the full cost of a refunded transaction. In some regions and payment types, refunded payments may also incur additional fees.

At RapidCents, we strive to make our pricing transparent and straightforward. Our standard fees include access to a range of features such as fraud protection, reporting, and other tools to manage your payments. To cover the underlying payment processing costs and maintain these services as part of our standard pricing, RapidCents does not return our fees when a payment is refunded.

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