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How to Install and activate Rapidcents Plugin for Business?
1 Out of 1 Found HelpfulDownload Rapidcents Payment gateway plugin Step 1: Download Rapidcents Payment gateway plugin in two ways: Rapidcents website WooCommerce MarketplaceInstall Rapidcents pluginStep 2: Once Download is complete lets proceed to Install it-If downloaded from Website- Please import the downloaded file from Plugins->Add New Plugin->Upload Plugin->C...
Read MoreWhen should merchant receive payment confirmation?
1 Out of 1 Found HelpfulAfter successful payment, merchant will receive an email from WooCommerce confirming their order and transaction details only if Simple Mail Transfer Protocol(SMTP) is configured to their admin site.
When should merchants contact support for plugin issues?
0 Out of 1 Found HelpfulMerchants should contact support if they experience persistent problems after ensuring that the plugin is installed and settings are configured correctly.
How do customers update payment methods while placing an order?
0 Out of 1 Found HelpfulCustomers can contact the merchant directly to update payment method.
How can merchants track their transactions (including refunds)?
1 Out of 1 Found HelpfulMerchants can view all transaction records, including successful payments and refunds, in their RapidCents transaction history section on their dashboard.Alternatively, they can also track their Transactions on WooCommerce website-Orders.
Read MoreHow are payments processed securely with RapidCents?
1 Out of 1 Found HelpfulRapidCents uses advanced encryption and complies with PCI standards, ensuring that all credit card transactions are secure. For both merchants and customers, payment details are handled safely through the platform.
How can merchants manage orders processed with RapidCents?
0 Out of 1 Found HelpfulMerchants can view order details like customer information, shipping data, and payment method under WooCommerce > Orders. This provides a full overview of all transactions made with RapidCents.To view the entire order select the order. The below page opens with detailed view on the transaction made by customer.Merchant can complete refund for ...
Read MoreWhat should merchants do if the plugin is not functioning correctly?
0 Out of 1 Found HelpfulMerchants should first ensure the plugin is installed and activated, with API settings properly configured. For further issues, they can consult the documentation or reach out to RapidCents support at help.rapidcents.com.
What should customers do if they face issues while paying with RapidCents?
0 Out of 1 Found HelpfulCustomers should double-check their payment details, confirm their card has sufficient funds, and reach out to the merchant. If you require further assistance, please raise a ticket from Rapidcents support page at https://help.rapidcents.com/user/support/create_ticket.
What steps should merchants take to process refunds via RapidCents?
1 Out of 1 Found HelpfulGo to WooCommerce > Orders and select the order.Click "Refund" and enter the desired refund amount. Choose between a manual refund or refund via RapidCents. The latter will process securely and reflect in the merchant's transaction history.
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